From the Foster House to the White House – Book Review

From the Foster House to the White House

by Fred Fuld III

What do you think eventually happens to a child who is born to a mother addicted to crack, no father around, shuffled to numerous foster homes, beaten, abused, and starved? Does he end up in jail? In a gang? Dead?

Wrong! He ends up becoming an extremely successful entrepreneur, comedian, and Internet star, with over three million Facebook followers, over one million Twitter followers, and more than half a million Instagram followers.

Terrence K. Williams is that example of success. His autobiography, From the Foster House to the White House, is the story about how he persevered through all the roadblocks that the average person couldn’t even imagine.

He turned his challenges into lessons and inspirations to succeed. He became an independent thinker, developing his own thoughts, and speaking his own mind.

This is an inspirational book that shows you that the American Dream is possible, no matter how bad your obstacles were growing up. I highly recommend that you read From the Foster House to the White House and give it as a gift to someone who needs inspiration.




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