Sachin Khajuria: Founder of Achilles Management & Former Partner at Apollo: Exclusive Interview

Two and Twenty

by Fred Fuld III

The following informative interview was provided by Sachin Khajuria, the founder of Achilles Management and a former Partner at Apollo, one of the world’s largest alternative asset management firms. He has twenty-five years of investment and finance experience and holds degrees in economics from the University of Cambridge. He is also the author of Two and Twenty: How the Masters of Private Equity Always Win, which was recently released.

This interview contains a lot of great information about the private equity fund industry and the economy. Some of the topics included are as follows:

  • What a private equity fund is and does
  • How private equity funds differ from hedge funds
  • The possibility of a recession
  • The current high inflation rate
  • Stagflation
  • The current state of the stock market
  • Advice for someone who wants to get into the private equity field
  • and much, much more!

The Sachin Khajuria Interview

Enjoy listening to the great insights and information that Sachin Khajuria provides.

To stream the interview, click:


It may take a few seconds to load. You can also download the interview as an mp3 file by right-clicking (or Control clicking) HERE and choosing “save as”.

The Two and Twenty Book

The book, Two and Twenty: How the Masters of Private Equity Always Win, is available through Amazon and other book stores.

More Information about Sachin Khajuria

Additional information can be found about Sachin Khajuria and his company at

Enjoy the interview!

All opinions are those of Sachin Khajuria, and do not represent the opinions of this site or the interviewer. Neither this site, nor the interviewer, nor the interviewee are rendering tax, legal, or investment advice in this interview.




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