Fake Dirty Underwear: Why You Need to Buy Some

by Fred Fuld III

Recently, I posted an article about investing in silver and silver coins. But if you buy silver, or gold, coins, where do you hide them?

One popular location is a bank’s safe deposit box. But the disadvantages are that you can’t get access to the coins at all times, and if on the very rare occasion that the safe box is broken into, the bank isn’t responsible for the loss of contents.

So suppose you want to keep them at home. Unfortunately, burglars know all the common places.

These include your top dresser drawers, drawers in your nightstands, backs of closets, cookie jars, under your mattress, in the toilet tank, and other areas that are convenient for you but also the burglars.

Some sources suggest leaving the burglars a ‘tip’ which would be a small amount of cash that’s easy to find so that the burglars find it and leave without spending too much time in your house. 

One source even recommends leaving a twenty dollar bill on a little table just inside your front door, because if the bad guys don’t find any money, they may retaliate by causing destruction in your house. This is especially true for teenage intruders.

Here is a suggestion. Get any old coins that you have in your house that aren’t worth much or even not worth anything above face vale, but just appear to be old. Put them in a container with a label on it that says ‘coin collection’ and keep it in your dresser. Keep your real coin collection in a much more secure location.

Let me tell you where you never should hide any items. Never, ever store valuables at the bottom of a wastebasket. The burglars may never look there, but it is almost certain that at some point, either you or a family member or a friend will accidentally throw out the valuables with the garbage. I personally had a close call with this type of hiding place.

So what does all this have to do with dirty underwear? There is a product that burglars wouldn’t even want to get close to, where you can hide cash, jewelry, or other valuables.

The product is called the Brief Safe Hidden Contents Travel Passport Wallet. A description of what it is in simple terms would be a pair of men’s underwear with a smear of coloring on it that looks like an accident took place in them. Inside is a stealth area where valuable items can be hidden.

This product is what is known as a diversion safe, also known as a camouflaged safe or secret stash container or hidden safe. It is a product to hide valuables in everyday household items.

If dirty underwear is a bit too gross, then there are plenty of other options. The ROLOWAY Hanger Diversion Safe is a way to hide valuables under an article of clothing hanging in your closet. A burglar might possibly check the pockets of all your coats and jackets that you have hanging up, but is he, or she, really going to take every article of clothing off all the hangers?

This product has one other advantage. According to the manufacturer, it is fireproof to 4200 degrees.

You might also consider a Dasani Bottled Water Diversion Safe or a Soup Can Diversion Safe.

There are plenty of items that you can hide in these safes. Here are just some examples:

gold coins 
silver coins
precious gems
USB drives
small documents (e.g. Social Security card)
gold nuggets

Plan ahead. Keep your valuable safe.

Happy hiding!



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Why You Should Buy Fake Dirty Underwear

by Fred Fuld III

It is summer time when you do some traveling and are concerned about where to hide your money and valuables to keep them safe from burglars, whether at home or in a hotel. Many articles describe where you should and shouldn’t store treasures. Places of where you should not keep you valuables include your top dresser drawers, drawers in your nightstands, backs of closets, cookie jars, under your mattress, in the toilet tank, etc. Some experts recommend leaving burglars a ‘tip’; in other words a small amount of easily found cash so the burglars find it and leave without spending any more time looking.

Here is one anti-burglar tip suggestion I have that you may not be aware of. Gather up any old coins laying around that aren’t worth much or even not worth anything above face vale, but just look old. Put them in a box, put a label on it that says ‘coin collection’ and keep it in the top drawer of your chest of drawers. Keep your real coin collection in your safe deposit box, or if you must keep it at home, keep it in a place that is not obvious.

Let me tell you NEVER where to hide stuff. Never, ever store valuables at the bottom of a waste basket. The burglars may never look there, but you can be sure that at some point in the future, either you or a family member will accidentally throw out your valuables with the trash. [I am writing from personal experience. Fortunately, I was able to retrieve what was emptied before it was picked up by the trash collector.]

So what does all this have to do with dirty underwear? There is an interesting item called The Brief Safe and looks like dirty underwear with a place in it to conceal money, passports, credit cards, jewelry, memory cards, documents, and other valuables. The hidden compartment closes with Velcro. It even comes with its own stains to provide a major deterrence. I’ve given one away as a gift, and it was a hit.Have a happy, safe and secure vacation!